Human activity and state of atmosphere

Dr. Keresztesi Miklós Hungary


There are basic categories of technique: materials, energies and informations. They are necessary for the production of a product.

For example the material is  a polietilen granule. From this material may be made a plastic plate.

For example we can see a hydroelectric power. The water has potential energy. The flowing water flows to lower level. It has kinetic energy. The water wheel has rotation energy.

The information is in the form of signal. The signals flow in channels. The optical fibers extend throughout the surface of the Earth. From signal will be text, picture, and sound by technical system. The machines are controlled by signals.


Prepare a plastic tray from polyethylene granules. The technical system is an injection molding machine. Input is the material (horizontal red arrow). Its granules. Output is material too (horizontal green arrow). It's plastic tray. Have to use a little lubricant for correct functioning of technical system. The lubricant is material. See the vertical purple arrows. This material is not built into the product. Its operational material.

The heater heats the granules, the piston moves in the production. The piston and heater require energy. The control unit require energy too. In the picture we can see the vertical energy flow, its operational energy. In the practice this is electrical energy.

The product is created in form. The form have two parts. These are moving. The piston is moving forward and reverse. The temperature is 105 ...110 centigrade in the melting chamber. The control unit gets information and it transmits to parts of machine. In the picture we can see this vertical information flow (yellow). Its control flow.


In the picture we can see an electric motor and its control electronics. The motor converts electrical energy (input) into mechanical energy (output). It is the horizontal energy flow (red, green arrows). The motor is warming. It is loss. Vertical material is lubricant. It is will be used oil (oddments).

The user starts, stops the engine. The speed of axis is constant, but the user wants it to increase or to decrease. Have to change direction of rotation. The control unit do these functions. Let see the vertical yellow arrows in the figure. These are operational informations for control unit. The control unit works with electrical energy. This fact is in vertical blue arrow.


Consider the diagram above. Input of technical system is information (red arrow) and output is information too (green arrow). A signal carries the information. Input signal is analog signal and output signal is digital signal. The technical system is an analog - digital converter.

Why does it need?
The analog sign we cannot store in an electronic system. The noise kills the analog signal. Contrast we can store the digital sign in a digital chip. The noise doesn't kill digital sign.
In the picture there is material flow (purple arrows) in vertical direction, but in this case it isn't typical. The electronic chip doesn't consume any material.

The chip consumes electrical energy, it is operational energy (blue arrows). The oddments energy is the thermal energy. In the practice it is a little energy.
Algorithm of digitization are: sampling, quantization, coding. The chip have own work program. It is vertical information flow (yellow arrows).


The people are active, they manufacture very many products: electrical energy, beef meat, 65 million cars/year ... and many-many billion tons/year carbon dioxide, methane. They are greenhouse gases and will be global warming. In the picture we can see the horizontal arrows (material, energy). There are material loss (carbon dioxide) and energy loss (thermal energy) in output. Carbon dioxide is a prime contributors to global warming. Therefore this component have to disconnect from the exhaust gas. The thermal energy can recoverable in domestic hot water service. The vertical material flow (purple) is the cooling water.

The man creates product but will be losses and oddments too. For example it is greenhouse gases, ozone depleting gases. They are also parts of matter, energy, information changing. Pay attention for losses and oddments.








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